A very impressive and grand display of talent, creativity and imagination by our students, teachers and parent volunteers.
#TamilKalviAnnualday is the most eagerly anticipated event in our Tamil School and has been getting bigger and more impressive year by year.This year around 800 plus people including parents, teachers, students and their friends and families attended the event, which took place at Valley High School, Santa Ana-California on the 28th of April
Here are some highlights from this year’s Annual Day Event..
1.Five Tamil Kalvi schools in Southern California (Irvine, Brea, East vale, Bakersfield, and Santa Maria) joined together to celebrate the special event this year.
2. We were very honored to have Farrah N. Khan, Irvine City Councilmember, as the guest of honor at our Graduation Ceremony. She addressed the audience and presented the awards to our graduating students from Grade 7.
A few days before Annual day, #IUSD Board of Education President Lauren Brooks visited our classes as a positive gesture of our ongoing efforts to have #Tamil recognized as one of the foreign languages at IUSD.
3. Our Vibrant and variety of #KadaiVeethi stalls offered something for everyone, from colorful apparel and accessories to street food and delicious home made goodies.
4.The meaning of தமிழ்த்தாய் வாழ்த்து song(Tamil Thai Vaazhthu) was depicted through a beautifully choreographed dance performance by our young kids in Basic 1.

5.An awesome performance capturing the beauty and essence of our villages in Tamil Nadu by Brea Tamil Kalvi kids in their “Sorkamey Endraalum athu namma oora pola varuma” and “pongalo pongal”dance.
6.A very imaginative skit by Grade 3 kids, Irvine where they present a solution to acute water scarcity in the future by traveling back in time on a time machine.
8.Little kids from Bakersfield Tamil Kalvi wowed us with their synchronized dance moves to hit songs.
9.Tamil vs American culture -A Pattimandram(debate) by Grade 2 kids, Irvine.
10.Our 7th-grade student Emcee’s exuded great energy, enthusiasm and charm when presenting our show in Tamil.

10.Teachers and admins were honored with awards as recognition
12.Kids and parents alike participated very enthusiastically in our #mostlikedphotocontest by clicking pictures and sharing on Facebook.
ANNUAL DAY-2019 was a grand success made possible by the hard work, dedication and passion of our volunteers, teachers, students, and admins of #SOCALTAMILKALVI
A big heartfelt thank you to all in our community for your amazing work and commitment in organizing this wonderful event!

See the entire story in the pictures below.
View our facebook post about our Event below