Please see flyer above for more information.
To access registration guide, FAQ’s, skip grade evaluation details and application and volunteer information click on the individual tabs above or below.
- What kind of classes will be offered for this academic year?
We will be offering classes in-person only. Please refer the following link for location details.
- When does Tamil kalvi start?
In-person classes will start on 8/25/2023.
School Calendar: https://www.catamilacademy.org/SocalTamilSchool.html
- How can I register my kids? How will I pick up books?
Registration is now open. Please follow the detailed instructions in this document for registrations. Like last year, you can complete registration on the CTA website and fill-in a google form Medical release waiver. You can pay the fees using STRIPE (Master and Visa Credit cards). Then, we will organize days where you can pick up books from our school locations, which would be either on the Orientation Day or the first day of the academic year.
- How much is the school fee?
The fees will be $260 across all grades.
- Will we continue to use the TEAMS and / or Google classroom even after going in-person?
Unlike previous years, we will NOT continue with Microsoft Teams for meetings and Google classroom for homework and class tests, since we are meeting in person. We will not be able to provide you any technical support to use TEAMS or Google classroom this year. An exception would be Irvine location where the admins had decided to continue using Google Classroom for homework submissions. Recurring students from Irvine will have to make sure their Google classroom login works. New students at Irvine are requested to contact your principal / admin to get the Google account setup.
- How will the Skip Grade and Evaluation test work?
We plan to conduct Skip Grade and Evaluation tests either in-person or using a video conference with the supervision of our volunteers. The approach would change for each center. Please look out for further updates for your center Admin / Principal.
- Who will be assigned as a teacher to my child?
We are in early stages and teacher-class assignments haven’t been done yet. We ask that you be flexible to work with the class and teacher that we assign.
- How can I help?
We need a lot of teachers and admin volunteers. For volunteering, kindly reach out to our center point of contact who are listed on the flyer.
We need a lot of teachers and admin volunteers. Please kindly volunteer using the form below:
Please complete this for to apply for Skip-grade evaluation test.
What is Skip-grade evaluation?
If your son or daughter is studying in SocalTamil Kalvi and wishes to skip a grade (example, move from 3rd grade to 5th grade), they would go through this evaluation process.
We strongly recommend that kids go through a regular promotion cycle, but you may wish to apply for skip grade evaluation, if your kid is ahead of the next grade in terms of age and Tamil language proficiency.
Who is eligible for the Skip-grade evaluation?
Returning Students who scored 80 or above on the Final Report Card Total for the current 2022 – 2023 school year.
Meet the minimum age requirement. See Minimum Age Chart.
Note: Mazhalai classes are not eligible for Skip-grade.
How do I apply for Skip-grade evaluation?
If your kid meets the above criteria, please apply using the online application form below.
Your application will be processed and you will get an approval email. Please do not start your kids on the skip test preparation without this email approval.
Got it. What next?
We will schedule the skip-grade evaluation test before the new 2023 – 2024 School year starts. The test will focus on the grade that they are going to skip (eg: if your kid is going from 3rd grade to 5th grade, the test will be on the 4th grade syllabus).
If your son or daughter scores 80 or above in the evaluation test, they will skip a grade to be moved to the next grade.
How do I know my kid’s Final Report Card Total?
Parents would have received / will receive an email in May 2023 (or early June 2023) when the school year ended.
What is the minimum age requirement? Cut off date September 1st, 2023
From Grade 1 To Grade 3, Minimum age is 8
From Grade 2 To Grade 4, Minimum age is 9
From Grade 3 To Grade 5, Minimum age is 10
From Grade 4 To Grade 6, Minimum age is 11
From Grade 5 To Grade 7, Minimum age is 12
From Grade 6 To Grade 8, Minimum age is 13
Please note: if your application is accepted for evaluation test, you will be notified by email. This application is only to appear for the test and it DOES NOT guarantee the availability on the next grade.
Questions? Contact:
Irvine: Kavitha (949) 562 – 9922
Eastvale: Rathna (714) 583 – 5837
Brea: Shanthi (714) 357 – 7654
Mission Viejo: Lakshmi (323) 313 – 5176
தேமதுரத் தமிழோசை உலகமெலாம் பரவும்வகை செய்தல் வேண்டும் – மகாகவி பாரதியார்.அன்புடையீர் வணக்கம்!அறிவை வளர்க்க, பண்பை பெருக்க, பகுத்தறிவை கற்க, ஒழுக்கம் தழைக்க, குணத்தை சிறப்பிக்க, அறியாமையை அகற்ற,தமிழின் எதிர்காலம் ஒளிர, அலை கடலென வாரீர் !அன்பு மழலைகளை தமிழ் கல்வியில் சேர்ப்பீர்!
தங்கள் அன்பையும் பேராதரவையும் என்றும் நாடும்,
தென் கலிஃபோர்னியா தமிழ் சங்கம்
Highlights of Socal Tamil Kalvi
We are an affiliate school of International Tamil Academy, formerly known as California Tamil Academy (www.catamilacademy.org)
- All teachers and administrators are volunteer parents that are passionate about passing on the Tamil language and culture to their kids.
- All needed books are provided to the students.
- Academic year runs from Aug 2023 to May 2024.
- Classes for kids ages 5 and above.
- Classes are held in different locations in the Southern California region, convenient to everyone.
- Classes start on Friday, Aug 25, 2023.
- Classes are conducted once a week. No classes during long weekends.
- School Calendar: https://www.catamilacademy.org/SocalTamilSchool.html
- Annual Day and Graduation day celebrations will be conducted to recognize & appreciate kids’ hard work and talents.